8 Tips to Make Tattoos Hurt Less | Amazing Tattoos

It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

#6 Eat a full breakfast

Make sure to go into your tattoo session on a full stomach, as it will help increase your stamina while sitting through such a painful experience.The day of your tattoo session is cheat day: the more glucose, the better. So if you want that extra bowl of Frosted Flakes to go with your bacon and eggs, go right for it!   Getting tattooed actually burns a lot of calories depending on how long the session goes, so make sure to fill up so you have energy to burn. (Tattoo by Guen Douglas)

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