
  • 10 Tattoos You Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Offensive or hate tattoos

    Though most artists will refuse to ink any kind of hate, derogatory, or profane tattoos, not all will.  If you wouldn’t say it to your mom, don’t get it tattooed.

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  • 10 Tattoos You Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Crude jokes or images


    Something that may be funny when you’re 18, might not be so humorous when you’re 40. Depending on the placement and quality, a crude tattoo could be difficult to hide or cover up if you start to regret it, so best to avoid getting it all together.

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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #8 Lower Back


    Tattoo that is found in the lower back is commonly referred as the “tramp stamp”. Mostly this tattoo can be seen on girls who are willing to give off their sexual allure and feeling of mystery. This would also mean that if you have your tattoo in your lower back the effort of buying you a drink will already work. It has been called as tramp stamp because of its location and because of the attention it could get once the girl sits and when her shirt lifts up. The tattoo in the lower back generally attracts more attention compared to the girl’s bare skin.

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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #3 Fingers


    Finger tattoos symbolizes different meaning depending on the design you ink. If you have a tattoo with a cross design, it shows devotion to Christian. Some finger tattoos symbolizes that your tastes are elegant and more conservative compared to other ink addicts. And because of its location, it can just be obscured by jewellery and gloves, it represents that you have a more subversive and daring personality. Finger tattoos like motivational quotes, charms and song lyrics gives positive meaning on the first glance. Some says that if you have a finger tattoo you will easily get divorced. Your finger tattoo depends on someone’s beliefs and representations to the wearer.

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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #2 Eyelids


    Eyelid tattoo says that you have something to share behind the tattoos in your eyes. It shows that you have the deepest desire and you are in need to share something because of the tattoos in your eyelids. People with deepest desire and burning needs to express his feeling and thought usually looks like comatose. Through the eyelid tattoos, people might think that he is a person to fear off. Their eyelids tattoo looks like they have something express and it is hidden with their tattoo. Most of the people who are inked with tattoo on their eyelid have something to share and they used the tattoo to let the individual realize it.

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  • Top 10 Most Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Rib Cage

    The rib cage is the arrangement of the bones in the person’s thorax. The ribs, sternum and the vertebral column formed the rib cage.  This cage encloses the lungs and the heart of the body. The rib cage, like what is stated has the bone arrangement. And that arrangement of bones is covered by a thin skin. Due to the wide space that this body portion possesses, it is really the frequent subject in having a tattoo. Like the previously mentioned body parts, this also has a thin skin. That is why getting tattooed in this part is definitely painful. Moreover, since the rib cage enclosed the lugs and heart, it will move every time. This cause prolonged healing of the tattoo.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #1 Mike Rubendall


    Mike Rubendall is one of the famous artists in the field of tattooing.   Recently, he already has his own shop, the Kings Avenue Tattoo which is situated in New York, particularly in Manhattan and long Island. But before that, he becomes part of Adorned. Mike Rubendall is featured on the “Tattoo Wars”, a TLC series. His tattoos is inspired or influenced by Eastern roots which are mostly influenced by Japanese background. This influence is truly evident in his work. You can witness the Cherry blossoms and koi fishes.

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  • Top 10 Most Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #2 Spine

    The spinal cord is considered as one of the top 10 most painful places to have tattooed because it is close to a person’s skin and is considered one of the most sensitive portion of human body.  The more sensitive the part of the person’s body is, the greater the pain that he or she will experience in getting that portion tattooed. Since the spine is very sensitive, a person may expect that the tattoo process will surely be hurtful.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Butt

    Butt contains greater amount of muscle and fats that will not let you feel the pain while having your tattoo. Mostly, women with tattoo on their butts choose the design where they can show it off confidently. Although there is still a little amount pain because of the process but that will not hurt you a lot because of the fats that will blow off the pain that you supposed to feel. Your butt is also one of the ideal areas for your tattoo because it is not that painful and you can also choose for the design you want that is suitable for the area.

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  • Top 10 Best Places for Women to Get a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #8 Inner Bicep

    Inner bicep tattoo is also ideal for women.  There are lots of female celebrities that prefer to have tattoos in their biceps. Sometimes, inner bicep tattoo is makes the arm’s figure sexier.  You can also ink some small sentences or long phrases.  Inner bicep tattoo is easy to hide that’s there are numerous girls prefer to have tattoo in their inner bicep.

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