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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Kat von D


    In “Miami Ink”, Kat von D, as well as Ami James appeared in the duration of 4 seasons. When the two has fall out, Kat von D decided to open up a shop, the High Voltage Tattoo, in Los Angeles. Her shop becomes successful and become the subject of the “LA Ink” show.
    It has been reported that she worth about 5 million dollars. As a superior tattoo artist, the minimum charge in her studio is about $200 per hour. But still, this price depends upon many factors such as detailed tattooing and the size.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #3 Inner Arm

    Your inner arm can also accommodate the pain during the tattoo quite easily. It will also cause less pain during the entire process of tattooing. Inner arm tattoo is painless and you could even fall asleep during inscribing the design in your inner arm not unless you also want you inner elbow to get tattooed. Your inner elbow will give you maximum pain compared to your inner arm because of the muscle and the fat. The muscle in your inner arm will slightly absorb the pain. You just have to divert your attention while doing the tattoo so that you will not feel that it is painful although it’s not really.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #4 Brandon Bond

    Brandon Bond belongs to one of the most published or popular and successful tattoo artist in this world. This brilliant artist is based in one of the popular city of Georgia, specifically Atlanta. In Atlanta, Bond enables to establish shops, the Anti-Art Elite and the All or Nothing Tattoo.  Aside from these shops, he also possesses the Stranglehold—a firm or company that sells any products that are related in tattoos. These tattoos- associated products often come from books, clothes, movies and arts. He is a fast tattoo artist which requires a minimum charge of two hours.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Stephanie Tamez

    Before Stephanie focused on the becoming a tattoo artist, she first had a training the field of graphic design. Similar to Mike Rubendall, she also worked for Adorned, a famous shop in New York. Her specialization is w. She is refined in tattooing letters and fonts. This let a Spartan thus making an elegant design. Tamez is also fond of mixing or combining fonts and create great combos in it.  Together with Tamez clients, she frequently discuss if the tattoos will work fine in a particular time frame.  Through her creativity and wide knowledge about the art of tattooing, she is definitely one of the top 10 richest tattoo artists in the world.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #10 Scott Campbell


    Campbell’s specialization is in antique ornamentation and typography.  His classic design such as sailing ships and anchors are really brilliant. Due to his splendid talent and ability, he becomes known in this field.  Marc Jacobs, the late Heath Ledger and Joshua Hartnett become his clients.  Aside from being one of the ever talented artists, he is also an advertising designer. He is a very busy person. That is why he can only make it in weekends. Campbell’s hourly rate is $1000. His accomplishments lead him at the top of top 10 richest tattoo artists in the world.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #3 Dave Tedder

    He begins as a piercer in the South Carolina. In this state, the process or art of tattooing is somewhat illegal.  Then, Dave Tedder decided to move to another country, Florida, in order to enrich his learning about art.  Eventually, he settled in the Bulldog Tattoo. Here, Holden Ritchson becomes his mentor. Suddenly, Ritchson and Tedder left Bulldog and join in Babylon Tattoo. Teddler shift into other tattoo enables him to grow more in the tattoo industry. He has learned from several sophisticated artist like John Coiro and Novi Filopovich.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #1 Breast or Chest Area


    Having your tattoo at your breast will not cause you too much pain because it does not contain bones. It is not that painful since breast and the chest area is fleshy. You will only feel the pain if you are sensitive but if not t will let feel like you are just pinched by someone. Men with tattoo on their chest and breast are more likely to be shown while for the women they need to wear showy attires to show off their breast tattoo. However, you should be careful in having your tattoo on your breast because it is nearer to your heart although it’s not painful.

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  • 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Getting Tattooed | Amazing Tattoos

    Let’s face it; getting a tattoo is a huge commitment, especially if you are thinking about breaking skin for the very first time. But, the experience doesn’t need to be overwhelming, especially if you prepare yourself for what you should expect by educating yourself. Remember, when you’re thinking about getting your first tattoo or are about to set up your first tattoo session, it is absolutely important that you feel comfortable asking your artist a few questions before you let them start working.

    Just keep in mind that even when you’re asking some of these sensitive questions, you should remain polite and professional with your artist. This will make each question better received. Any professional tattoo artist will have no problem with answering your questions.

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #4 Don’t bring your whole family to the tattoo parlor

    One friend is fine, but more than that is overkill.  It crowds the shop and creates distractions for both the client and the artist.  Also, no one wants to deal with your rude, nitpicky aunt who keeps claiming you should have gone with that other photo of grandma halfway through the portrait session. (Tattoo by Joy Rumore)

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #6 Have good hygiene

    Your tattoo artist is going to be up close and personal with you while you get tattooed.  Make sure to shower, shave and brush your teeth before your appointment. You don’t want to be known as Sir Stinks-A-Lot every time you get inked. (Tattoo by Timothy Boor)

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