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  • How to | Amazing Tattoos

    My suggestion (at least for a first tattoo) is that you get it somewhere which is easy to cover for work. Anything below the wrists or above the neck is a pretty bad call, though there are a lot of tattoo parlours which won’t tattoo anyone there anyway. Remember that people really like to judge anyone with a tattoo. My friend is about to get his knuckles tattooed & I dread the day he has to go to court for a traffic violation or travels internationally.

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    If you’ve done your homework and chosen a good tattoo artist, he or she will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your new tattoo, which you should follow carefully. Every tattoo artist will have a slightly different opinion on the best way to care for a new tattoo, but don’t worry, most reputable artists have had years of experience in caring for new tattoos, so their methods have been tried and tested.

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    Once you’re in that chair, what can you expect? Most likely, the artist will begin the long process of preparing for your work. This is especially true if the artist is going to do a custom design that you brought in. First, the design will have to be worked on. Most artists will play around with the design on paper first, although some artists will do it freehand. “Freehand” means the artist takes an ink pen to hand and begins drawing a design on your skin without the use of a stencil (NOTE: Where the artist begins work with the tattooing machine immediately–the artist, no matter how good, still needs to envision how the work will look on your skin–proportion, placement, etc.).



    Before you begin, figure out what design you want for your temporary tattoo. The tattoo will stay on your skin for a few days, so be sure your design is one you really want. Browse “tattoo designs” in your favorite images search engine and you’ll probably get a ton of new ideas.



    Picking the right tattoo design is very important. Because the bad body art comes from making spontaneous decisions to go and have a tattoo done on a spur of the moment. If you’re getting a tattoo because you’re drunk or high, rebellious or your friends are goading you, then you’re getting a tattoo for all the wrong reasons and the choice you make is likely to reflect this lack of forethought.


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  • Amazing Tattoos | Tattoo Ideas, News and Pictures

    #20 Fortune Tattoo – City: Portland, OR (US) Setting up shop in a city with one of the highest rates of tattoo parlors per capita in the United States (around 12 per 100,000 people) can’t be easy, but Ms. Mikki was up for the challenge. She opened Fortune Tattoo on April 1st, 2010, and it’s →

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  • 10 Amazing 3D Tattoos | Amazing Tattoos

    I love tattoos and optical illusions, but what happens when you blend the two together? Super awesome 3D tattoos that will make your jaw hit the floor, that’s what.


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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    In general skull tattoos are meant to symbolize death, decay and darkness and obviously invoke those ideas when seen by most people, but there are also several surprising meanings behind skull tattoos. A “Sugar Skull” may represent death, but more importantly it’s meant to symbolize and celebrate life to the fullest before you die. When the skulls are piled on top of each other it’s often times meant to symbolize the over coming of obstacles.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    Unlike most so called “Tribal” tattoos the Celtic Knot is tribal in design but drenched in a long tradition of symbolism. Each knot represents something different and should be researched when deciding on a tattoo to find one that suits you best. The most common Celtic Knot is known as the Triquetra, and is made up of three intersecting pointed loops. This knot can symbolize anything from the Christian Holy Trinity to the metaphysical belief in Mind, Body, and Spirit.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    The Spiderweb, or cobweb tattoo has a wide variety of meanings, and like the tear drop most of those meanings relate to prison in one way or another. In general a spiderweb tattoo on the elbow means that the wearer has done time in prison, and the number of concentric circles will often relate to the number of years on his/her sentence.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    Star tattoos are most often meant to symbolize a light in the darkness, but can also be a symbol for hope for the future. Shooting stars represent a moment in one’s life that was fleeting, but still left a lasting impression such as a romance or special event.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    There is no strict symbolism behind the tear drop tattoo, but by almost all accounts it is somehow related to prison. The most common meaning is that the wearer has commited a murder, and sometimes the number of tears will denote the number of people the wearer has killed.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    A dragon tattoo can take on several different meanings, most of which depend on the type of dragon portrayed in the tattoo. Chinese dragons are meant to symbolize luck and prosperity, but Celtic dragons are seen as a symbol of protection and a warrior spirit.

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  • True Meanings of 15 Common Tattoos That Might Surprise You | Amazing Tattoos

    Anchor tattoos were a popular tattoo for sailors many years ago, and for the most part were symbolic of a very experienced sailor. Today anchor tattoos are often meant to be a symbolic reminder to the wearer that no matter how rough and stormy things may be it’s important to remain steadfast and do what needs to be done.

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