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  • 8 Tips to Make Tattoos Hurt Less | Amazing Tattoos

    It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

    #3 Zone into Zen

    One of the best ways to ignore the pain is to zone into something that will distract you. Try zoning into the song being played on the stereo, the conversations in the waiting area, or just make a list of crazy things you want to do within the next year. We suggest trying yoga before going in for a long tattoo session. Clearing your mind and focusing on your breathing is a great way to calm yourself and ignore the pain during a tattoo session. Make sure to keep it Zen!

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  • 8 Tips to Make Tattoos Hurt Less | Amazing Tattoos

    It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

    #6 Eat a full breakfast

    Make sure to go into your tattoo session on a full stomach, as it will help increase your stamina while sitting through such a painful experience.The day of your tattoo session is cheat day: the more glucose, the better. So if you want that extra bowl of Frosted Flakes to go with your bacon and eggs, go right for it!   Getting tattooed actually burns a lot of calories depending on how long the session goes, so make sure to fill up so you have energy to burn. (Tattoo by Guen Douglas)

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  • 8 Tips to Make Tattoos Hurt Less | Amazing Tattoos

    It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

    #7 Drink lots of water

    While we greatly advise against drinking alcohol, we highly recommend drinking a lot of water. Starting the night before your tattoo session, stay as well hydrated as possible. This will actually allow the skin to accept the ink more easily due to the hydration and allow the tattoo process to happen faster without thinning your blood.

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  • 8 Tips to Make Tattoos Hurt Less | Amazing Tattoos

    It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

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    #8 Go in sober

    Though drinking or being under the influence of any drugs may seem like an easy way to lessen the pain, it will actually make your tattoo a lot more painful. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which means you will bleed more and the ink won’t take as easily. This, along with constant drunken movements, will most likely cause the tattoo process to take longer as well as agitate the skin and may even cause the piece to not come out as cleanly or well-saturated as it could. Also note that over the counter pain killers and caffeine will also lead to thinning your blood, so try to avoid Tylenol, Advil, coffee and energy drinks before your tattoo session, too. (Tattoo by Steven Compton)

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  • 20 Amazing Pictures of Tattooed Moms! | Amazing Tattoos

    When you’re a teenager the last thing you ever want to do is end up like your mom and dad. Something tells me that the offspring of these rad tattooed moms are going to think a little bit differently about their parents, who wouldn’t want to be this cool? We created this gallery to celebrate all of the cool tattooed moms, enjoy.




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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #7 Face


    If you have your tattoo in your face, people would commonly think that you came from mental institution or you were sentenced to stay in prison for a long time. Mostly people with tattoo on his face find difficulty in finding a more suitable job that will require him to pay for taxes. Face tattoos symbolizes and screams up to the society that you don’t want to conform to the rules in the society. People with face tattoos are more likely to get the impression of being a bad individual who had killed someone or you are prone to riots and other violence.

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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #3 Fingers


    Finger tattoos symbolizes different meaning depending on the design you ink. If you have a tattoo with a cross design, it shows devotion to Christian. Some finger tattoos symbolizes that your tastes are elegant and more conservative compared to other ink addicts. And because of its location, it can just be obscured by jewellery and gloves, it represents that you have a more subversive and daring personality. Finger tattoos like motivational quotes, charms and song lyrics gives positive meaning on the first glance. Some says that if you have a finger tattoo you will easily get divorced. Your finger tattoo depends on someone’s beliefs and representations to the wearer.

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  • Top 10 Most Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #10 Face


    In entirety, the face of a person is composed of very sensitive parts of the body.  These sensitive parts includes the ear (specifically behind the ear), the eye (anywhere around it like the eyelids) the nose and the lip.  The back of someone’s ear has a thin skin that is why when a person gets tattooed at these areas, he/ she will experience extreme pain. But still, many people prefer these locations to the expose the designs or arts that they want to show.  Since the face of a person is the most noticeable compared to other person’s body parts, this is one of the perfect locations for the tattoo.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Hips


    Women like to ink their tattoo on their hips because this place is sexy to get the tattoo most especially if it is coloured and it is not that painful. Hips also contain enough fat in order to blow off the pain when inscribing the tattoo. The design of your tattoo will depend on your likes and on your choice. Hip is truly sensitive to any kind of touch throughout the entire process of inscribing the tattoo however it is easier for the girls to handle it. Tattoo inscribed on the hips are not that painful because of the fat that cushions the feeling of pain.

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  • What Does Your Tattoo Location Says About You? | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Boobs


    Tattoos which are inked in the boobs are referred to as the tattoobs. This tattoo is inked for special kind of ladies which are confident enough to whip out their fun bags and drop by on tattoo parlour for ink. Girls who want to get tattoos on their boobs can choose for different designs depending on the representation of this tattoo. They can be inked with flower motifs, feminine designs, butterflies and others. Girls with boobs tattoo gives a fine line along with trailer park and sexy. Boob tattoos also mean that a girl is brave enough and also shows sensitivity on them.

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