Cross Tattoos

Over a period of time cross tattoo has gained quite a lot of popularity and among the cross tattoo celtic cross tattoo has emerged as one of the favorites. One of the good things about cross tattoos is that it can be worn by both men and women. Cross tattoo has been associated with popularity that is why it seems to be rising the popularity charts. Cross tattoo is associated with love, peace and compassion and one can choose from tribal cross, Christian cross, latin cross or gothic cross. Cross tattoo is a visual manner of expressing faith which also allows secular individuals to transform their experience with spiritual nature which a cross tattoo can simply convey.

You might find cross tattoo to be a lot trendy but they were trendier even in the times of Anglo Saxon days. Cross tattoo can range from decorative to sublime designs and are one of the most popular Catholic cross tattoos since they represent belief of an individual. Celtic cross tattoos too have become quite popular with both secular and religious people. Cross tattoo has demonstrated that it is one of the most popular and adaptable symbol and one can choose from a variety of styles and techniques. If you are looking for a trendy look then you must opt for a cross tattoo.

Here is a list of some of the popular cross tattoo designs:

The Cross of Triumph. The 3 The Latin Cross Step Cross The Tau Cross. The Celtic Cross St. Andrew’s Cross The Crusader’s Cross The Crucifix The Russian Orthodox Cross. The Maltese Cross

The Anchor Cross

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