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Henna Tattoo
Henna Tattoos is one of the natural ways of decorating your body. Henna Tattoo is one of the natural forms of body art. Henna Tattoo is a temporary and safe way of getting real tattoos on your body. Natural henna ink is the main ingredient for making a henna tattoo. The henna tattoo artist makes use of henna which is made from henna plant leaves. As the henna tattoos are made from natural henna powder they are safe and ca be put on any part of the body.
The henna tattoos are popularly known as Mendhi. The history of henna tattoos dates back million of years and there have been evidences that henna tattoos were famous with Egyptian mummies as well.
Although henna does not cause allergic reaction but still apply it on a small part before going for complete application. After testing you can go for the henna tattoo design of your choice. The color of a henna tattoo varies from red to black and there are various designs you can choose from. The color of the henna tattoo should be matched with your skin to give the perfect look.
The henna tattoos are rich in color and there is minimal chance of any side effect or allergy. The henna tattoos typically last for a long time. It is the quality of the henna paste that determines how the henna tattoo would emerge. Some of the henna tattoos are complex to make but they are worth the effort and give you a beautiful look.
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