
  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #8 Anil Gupta

    Anil Gupta is known for having a precise artwork rendition and realistic portraits.  Once, Anil Gupta copied an album cover in 1974 by Great Dead. This is entitled as “Skeletons from the Closet”. The tattoo that he made is so faithful and precise to its original form or appearance. He is also capable in of expounding Celtic knot work   having an intricate designs and patterns. Aside from his precise work of art, Gupta is also famous for works which is tribally inspired and somewhat abstract. His tattooing ability or creation is comparable to the works of famous artists like Salvador Dali and Leonardo d Vinci. Due to his brilliant ability, famous celebrities like Christian Slater, John McEnroe and the Rosie O’Donnell becomes his clients.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Hips


    Women like to ink their tattoo on their hips because this place is sexy to get the tattoo most especially if it is coloured and it is not that painful. Hips also contain enough fat in order to blow off the pain when inscribing the tattoo. The design of your tattoo will depend on your likes and on your choice. Hip is truly sensitive to any kind of touch throughout the entire process of inscribing the tattoo however it is easier for the girls to handle it. Tattoo inscribed on the hips are not that painful because of the fat that cushions the feeling of pain.

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  • Top 10 Most Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Knee

    Every person’s knee is too sensitive. It contains a little fat and is move several times in a day. When a person got wounded, it is observed that the healing process will last longer. This is similar in having tattoo in this body part.  The healing will take a long time since the knee lies in the frequently move portion of a person’s body. The knee of a person moves constantly all they long. Through the boundless movement created by the knee, getting tattooed in this part is definitely painful.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #7 Thigh


    Thighs also have enough muscles and fat that greatly helps in the cushioning of the hurt and the pain while having the tattoo on this area. The only issue is if you have thinner thighs. The choice will be yours if in the outer or inner thigh you want to place your tattoo. In the outer thigh, it will give you greater chances of taking the pain while in the inner thigh; it is the area that is sensitive because of the roots on the nerves. You will feel pain while getting your tattoo but in the highest level of pain.

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  • Top 10 Best Places for Women to Get a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #2 Foot

    Foot tattoo become more popular to all tattoo lovers, tattoos in the foot makes your foot elegant and you can hide it if you want. It is attractable during summer and when you are roaming to beach resorts.  Great images you can ink in your foot are swords, feathers, bracelet and other.  It is much painful rather than shoulder because it has less and thinner skin.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Ami James


    Ami James is the tattoo artist behind the shows of TLC, the “NY Ink” and “Miami Ink”. Aside from his shows, Ami James also owns the Love Hate Social Club, shop situated in London. At the age of 15, he had his tattoo. He then learns more about tattoo in Lou’s shop, the Tattoos, in which he become an apprentice. Eventually, he opens his own shop in Miami, the Love Hate Tattoos. His riches don’t just stop from there, he also owns “DeVille” which is a clothing company. His reported net worth is $5.1 million. James hourly rate as a tattoo artist is $500.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Shoulder

    Your shoulder is also an ideal area to get your tattoo because of the flat and wider are to ink the design of the tattoo. Shoulder had become one of the popular areas for tattoo because it does not cause too much pain while doing the entire process.  In fact, women would rather choose to ink their tattoo on their shoulder it doesn’t hurt them a lot since it has enough muscle and because it adds spice on their sexy body. You can choose whether you want your tattoo to be inked at the front of your shoulder or on your shoulder blade. There are different designs for shoulder tattoo which are least painful.

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  • Top 10 Best Places for Women to Get a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Neck

    Neck tattoo is also preferable. Since it has also wide space, you can even choose what design you want. Neck tattoo may look sexy, you can put either inspirational words or phrases and special names. You may have cool look if you will ink from the neck along the spinal cord. Neck tattoo could be painful, but ideal to all girls because it is easy to hide.

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  • Top 10 Best Places for Women to Get a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Inner Arm


    When a girl has tattoo on her inner arms it looks sexy and very feminine. It is a great place for long but small images like swords, it is also perfect for inspirational phrases and special dates like anniversary and birthday. Inner arm tattoo is difficult to hide so you must wear dress with long sleeves if you want to hide it.

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  • Top 10 Best Places for Women to Get a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #7 Back Shoulder

    Back should is perfect to all types and kinds of tattoo. Since it has larger space, you can ink images that fit to you. It is very cool to women who have tattoo is her shoulder back.  Guys love to see girls with tattoo in the shoulder back, sometimes it looks seductive.  It is also a perfect place if you don’t want to show your tattoos. Sometimes back shoulder is not good for tattoo because you can take care as you cannot see it, you cannot also enjoy seeing your back tattoo.  If you want to enjoy watching your tattoo, you must choose other place.

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