
  • 10 Tattoos For Men That Women Find Attractive | Amazing Tattoos

    #4 3D tattoos

    Really talented body artists can make a tattoo look 3-dimensional and that kind of work makes body art really stand out to me. The detail in this first tattoo, where even the tone of the man’s skin is used to shade the tattoo of a warrior, makes a positive impression in part because of the attention to detail, color, and shadowing.


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  • 10 Tattoos For Men That Women Find Attractive | Amazing Tattoos

    #1 Tibetan, Thai, and Buddhist tattoos

    Tattoos that feature a religion or way of life are very appealing, especially if the male in question has some really strong opinions on the topic. There is nothing sexier than passion, and if you are brave enough to wear that passion with you always, you get an A+ in my book.


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  • 10 Tattoos For Men That Women Find Attractive | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Matching tattoos

    Matching tattoos are a great way to show someone you love them, especially in long-term relationships and marriages. While I think that the crowns in this particular tattoo stands out a little too much in relation to the text in the tattoo, I really enjoy the symbolism. Crowns often stand for loyalty, so when combined with this tattoo, it helps tell a story. Nothing is sexier than commitment.


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  • 10 Tattoos For Men That Women Find Attractive | Amazing Tattoos


    #7 Heartbeat tattoos

    A heartbeat tattoo, especially when it’s a particular heartbeat (like the exact pattern of a loved one’s heart), is really sexy on a man. Since we associate the heart as the center of love, having a tattoo like this helps immortalize a particular love or moment.


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  • 10 Tattoos For Men That Women Find Attractive | Amazing Tattoos

    #10 Feminine tattoos on men

    And in this new age of equality for all and an increased emphasis on bending gender lines and tolerance, traditionally female tattoos on men is pretty sexy. I love when someone is confident in who they are and what they love, so seeing floral scenes on men is a pretty attractive tattoo choice.

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  • 10 Worst Celebrity Tattoos | Amazing Tattoos

    #1 Louis Tomlinson

    One Direction’s Harry Styles usually gets all the credit for his wide collection of tattoos, but his bandmate Louis spent enough hours at the tat parlor, too. Only difference is: Louis’ tattoos are pretty hideous and look more like a pre-school kid’s paintings than anything a sane person would want to put on his body for eternity.

    Our “favorite” pick: an awry cup of tea with the word “Oops!” under it. Oops indeed. But apparently the fans of the boyband embrace Louis’ weird sense of beauty — you can even buy an iPhone case that features all of the singer’s tattoos. Just please don’t replicate them onto your body.


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  • The Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists | Amazing Tattoos

    #10 Mike Rubendall – $125 per hour

    Mike Rubendall used to work for Adorned but now has his own tattoo shop. He has been featured in the TLC series “Tattoo Wars.” Rubendall favors tattoos inspired by the Eastern culture, mostly Japanese in origin. That is why you will see him do a lot of koi fishes and cherry blossoms. He also does horror and neo-traditional tattoos, mixing Eastern art with demons and ghouls. His schedule is packed, however, so be prepared to book up to one year in advance.


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  • 10 Tattoos Guys Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    So, you’re getting a tattoo? Great news! However, have you considered what body art to get done? Remember that a tattoo is a permanent feature on your body and will stay for the longest time you can imagine. Therefore, you do not want to go wrong with the print on your skin, do you? Here is a list of 10 tattoos you definitely should avoid.

    #10 Butterflies

    This one is strictly for the girls. So, if you land up getting one of those done, make sure it is on a part of your skin not visible to the rest of the world! Or be prepared to be mocked at for the rest of your life!


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  • 10 Things Tattoo Artists Hate | Amazing Tattoos

    #1 Asking Your Artist to Copy Another’s Work

    So you found an image on Instagram that you absolutely love, even though someone else already has it tattooed on their arm. It also happens to be done by a tattoo artist across the country whom you have no access to. I’m sorry for your loss, because your tattoo artist is an artist, and s/he does NOT want to copy another artist. The best way to not totally insult your artist’s abilities is to bring in several images from different artists OR using one image as a reference, making it clear that this is just for inspiration.


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  • Uncategorized | Amazing Tattoos

    It’s a pretty well known fact that tattoos are going to hurt, and for the most part, there’s no way to eliminate all of the pain, but there are a few key things you can do to ensure that your tattoo session isn’t as painful as it could be.  Check out the list below to see all of our tips to make getting a tattoo hurt less.

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    #8 Go in sober

    Though drinking or being under the influence of any drugs may seem like an easy way to lessen the pain, it will actually make your tattoo a lot more painful. Alcohol is a blood thinner, which means you will bleed more and the ink won’t take as easily. This, along with constant drunken movements, will most likely cause the tattoo process to take longer as well as agitate the skin and may even cause the piece to not come out as cleanly or well-saturated as it could. Also note that over the counter pain killers and caffeine will also lead to thinning your blood, so try to avoid Tylenol, Advil, coffee and energy drinks before your tattoo session, too. (Tattoo by Steven Compton)


    Whether you like tattoos or not, you will surely agree on one thing: it’s crucial to proofread before writing permanently on your skin. The web is full of absurd examples of tattoos gone bad and we are going to show you the 24 epic fails that made us laugh the most. Some of them are just misspelled, some others are so ugly that is difficult to look at them, some others are totally unexplainable, but one thing is certain: the next time you make a tattoo you will surely remember this gallery. Enjoy.

    24. Never don’t give up



    #10 Legality

    Today, the streets of cities like Boston and New York swarm with tattoo parlors, but few realize these are extremely recent developments. Many states took the extreme measure of banning tattoos entirely during the 1960s, when the hysteria of hepatitis outbreaks reached critical mass. It was illegal to get a tattoo in New York City between 1961 and 1997, forcing artists to operate onan underground basis. In Massachusetts, tattooing was illegal all the way up until 2000, with severe penalties including possible jail sentences. Today, all states allow tattooing, although therules for minors vary from state to state—some allow kids to get inked with parental permission while others require waiting until 18, no exceptions.


    #9 Tramps Stamps And Pregnancy

    Leaving the social connotations of the so-called “tramp stamps” well alone, there is at least one possible unforeseen drawback for women wishing to get a tattoo on their lower back. Some anesthesiologists have expressed concern that giving epidurals to pregnant women with tattoos may expose them to the potential complication of ink fragments entering the spinal cord. The risk would seem very minor, especially for a tattoo more than a few months old, but the possibility remains. Of greater concern, it has been reported that the iron oxide in tattoo ink sometimesreacts during MRIs and may cause burns.


    #8 Henna Tattoos

    For those not bold enough to commit to permanent inking, there are alternatives. Small children adore the temporary tattoos that come in the machines in supermarkets, and at carnivals, boardwalks, and the like, you can often encounter booths providing henna tattoos. Derived from a plant, henna dye has been used for thousands of years, both to color the hair and to draw intricate designs on the skin. Natural henna goes on with a light orange color and darkens to a rust red over a few days. As the skin exfoliates, the patterns gently fade away. However, the commonly used “black henna,” contains synthetic ingredients, most notably p-phenylenediamine (PPD). PPD is found in coal tar and has been known to cause horrifying reactions and permanent scars. Worse still, some black henna contains carcinogens which might cause life-threatening issues down the line such as leukemia.

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    Not everyone understands the growing cultural trend of getting tattooed. Some people find it absolutely appalling, way too painful to even consider, or think that a tattoo means they can never have a strong, professional career. But for those of us who like tattoos, these supposedly negative consequences of body modification don’t faze us at all. We enjoy and learn from our tattooing experiences and now you can learn from them, too.
    Here are 10 life lessons you can learn from people with tattoos:

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