
  • 10 Life Lessons People with Tattoos Can Teach You | Amazing Tattoos


    Not everyone understands the growing cultural trend of getting tattooed. Some people find it absolutely appalling, way too painful to even consider, or think that a tattoo means they can never have a strong, professional career. But for those of us who like tattoos, these supposedly negative consequences of body modification don’t faze us at all. We enjoy and learn from our tattooing experiences and now you can learn from them, too.
    Here are 10 life lessons you can learn from people with tattoos:

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  • 10 Tattoos You Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    #7 Fad tattoos


    Fads are fleeting and won’t last anywhere near as long as a tattoo will. Tattoos are meant to be a reflection of the self; don’t let dance crazes or mustache popularity define you.  Save your skin for something meaningful and lasting.

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #8 Good tattoos aren’t cheap and cheap tattoos aren’t good

    This is nonnegotiable.  Your artist has his or her set prices for a reason. Respect that.  If you haggle for a price, you are disrespecting the artist. (Tattoo by Audie Fulfer Jr.)

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  • 10 Tattoos You Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Tattoos that predict the future

    Chances are you don’t know exactly what is going to happen in the years to come, so don’t set something in ink that might not come to be. Your favorite team isn’t going to win every championship.

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  • 10 Life Lessons People with Tattoos Can Teach You | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 First impressions aren’t always right


    Anyone with tattoos or a heavily tattooed friend can tell you this life lesson is true. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched perfectly nice, loving, and intelligent people get judged because of their ink. Having tattoos and knowing people with tattoos teaches you to not place value on appearances and, instead, spend more time getting to know new people.

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  • 10 Life Lessons People with Tattoos Can Teach You | Amazing Tattoos

    #6 Meaning is subjective

    No two tattoos have exactly the same meaning. Every person molds their own ideas, experiences and memories into their tattoo and what it represents. To judge someone based off of what you think their tattoo means is completely pointless.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #5 Shoulder

    Your shoulder is also an ideal area to get your tattoo because of the flat and wider are to ink the design of the tattoo. Shoulder had become one of the popular areas for tattoo because it does not cause too much pain while doing the entire process.  In fact, women would rather choose to ink their tattoo on their shoulder it doesn’t hurt them a lot since it has enough muscle and because it adds spice on their sexy body. You can choose whether you want your tattoo to be inked at the front of your shoulder or on your shoulder blade. There are different designs for shoulder tattoo which are least painful.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #3 Dave Tedder

    He begins as a piercer in the South Carolina. In this state, the process or art of tattooing is somewhat illegal.  Then, Dave Tedder decided to move to another country, Florida, in order to enrich his learning about art.  Eventually, he settled in the Bulldog Tattoo. Here, Holden Ritchson becomes his mentor. Suddenly, Ritchson and Tedder left Bulldog and join in Babylon Tattoo. Teddler shift into other tattoo enables him to grow more in the tattoo industry. He has learned from several sophisticated artist like John Coiro and Novi Filopovich.

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  • Top 10 Least Painful Places to Have a Tattoo | Amazing Tattoos

    #10 Calf


    If you will have your tattoo in your calf, you will not feel a lot of pain, although there will be a little amount but it will hurt you so much. Both men and women can get tattoos on their calves since it truly looks desirable, hot and sexy. And because the space is not that wide, men and women should find the design which is suitable, attainable and can be structured on the calf. Calf is one of the ideal places where you can inscribe your tattoo and if you are afraid to feel to much pain. The choice is yours if what colour you want for your tattoo.

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  • Top 10 Richest Tattoo Artists in the World | Amazing Tattoos

    #8 Anil Gupta

    Anil Gupta is known for having a precise artwork rendition and realistic portraits.  Once, Anil Gupta copied an album cover in 1974 by Great Dead. This is entitled as “Skeletons from the Closet”. The tattoo that he made is so faithful and precise to its original form or appearance. He is also capable in of expounding Celtic knot work   having an intricate designs and patterns. Aside from his precise work of art, Gupta is also famous for works which is tribally inspired and somewhat abstract. His tattooing ability or creation is comparable to the works of famous artists like Salvador Dali and Leonardo d Vinci. Due to his brilliant ability, famous celebrities like Christian Slater, John McEnroe and the Rosie O’Donnell becomes his clients.

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