
  • Tattoos | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

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    #12 Do your research

    Always know what you want when you go into a tattoo shop.  Bring reference photos (but not an overwhelming amount) that can give the artist an idea of what you want.  They can’t read your mind, so they will need your help on this.  (Tattoo by Alex De Pase)


    When you’re a teenager the last thing you ever want to do is end up like your mom and dad. Something tells me that the offspring of these rad tattooed moms are going to think a little bit differently about their parents, who wouldn’t want to be this cool? We created this gallery to celebrate all of the cool tattooed moms, enjoy.





    By now, if you haven’t seen someone decked out in Flash Tattoos then you may or may not be living under a rock. It seems everyone from our favorite fashion It-girls to top celebrities like Beyoncé and Katie Holmes have been adorning their bods with these amazing new (temporary!) skin accessories. Yes, flash tattoos are somewhat similar to regular temporary ink, but they’re super-metallic, and can last up to a week depending how well you take care of them. Basically, if you’re into the look of tattoos but don’t exactly want to make a lifelong commitment, these are for you.

    Click Next to see and learn more about Flash Tattoos…



    #10 Legality

    Today, the streets of cities like Boston and New York swarm with tattoo parlors, but few realize these are extremely recent developments. Many states took the extreme measure of banning tattoos entirely during the 1960s, when the hysteria of hepatitis outbreaks reached critical mass. It was illegal to get a tattoo in New York City between 1961 and 1997, forcing artists to operate onan underground basis. In Massachusetts, tattooing was illegal all the way up until 2000, with severe penalties including possible jail sentences. Today, all states allow tattooing, although therules for minors vary from state to state—some allow kids to get inked with parental permission while others require waiting until 18, no exceptions.


    #9 Tramps Stamps And Pregnancy

    Leaving the social connotations of the so-called “tramp stamps” well alone, there is at least one possible unforeseen drawback for women wishing to get a tattoo on their lower back. Some anesthesiologists have expressed concern that giving epidurals to pregnant women with tattoos may expose them to the potential complication of ink fragments entering the spinal cord. The risk would seem very minor, especially for a tattoo more than a few months old, but the possibility remains. Of greater concern, it has been reported that the iron oxide in tattoo ink sometimesreacts during MRIs and may cause burns.


    #8 Henna Tattoos

    For those not bold enough to commit to permanent inking, there are alternatives. Small children adore the temporary tattoos that come in the machines in supermarkets, and at carnivals, boardwalks, and the like, you can often encounter booths providing henna tattoos. Derived from a plant, henna dye has been used for thousands of years, both to color the hair and to draw intricate designs on the skin. Natural henna goes on with a light orange color and darkens to a rust red over a few days. As the skin exfoliates, the patterns gently fade away. However, the commonly used “black henna,” contains synthetic ingredients, most notably p-phenylenediamine (PPD). PPD is found in coal tar and has been known to cause horrifying reactions and permanent scars. Worse still, some black henna contains carcinogens which might cause life-threatening issues down the line such as leukemia.

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    Not everyone understands the growing cultural trend of getting tattooed. Some people find it absolutely appalling, way too painful to even consider, or think that a tattoo means they can never have a strong, professional career. But for those of us who like tattoos, these supposedly negative consequences of body modification don’t faze us at all. We enjoy and learn from our tattooing experiences and now you can learn from them, too.
    Here are 10 life lessons you can learn from people with tattoos:

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    Cover-ups can be really difficult and tattoo removal is incredibly painful, so it is important that you make smart decisions every time you get inked.  You don’t want to end up with something that  you will grow to regret. Here is our list of the top 10 tattoos you should never get.

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    From the tattoo convention circuit to social media we hear people bragging about their cities being the most tattooed. While there are amazing shops from all corners of the United States, here are the top 15 with the most tattooers. Do you think your city is dripping in ink? Click through to find out.

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    It takes years to master the ‘tattoo art’. But we all know tattoo artists have incredible skills. You can look every picture from this site and see it yourself. However when it comes to 3D tattoos, some artists take this to another level. You won’t believe how it looks so real and how in the world someone does it.
    Let’s give your eyes a visually-stimulating treat… Here are some amazing ones we found.


    #8 Lower Back


    Tattoo that is found in the lower back is commonly referred as the “tramp stamp”. Mostly this tattoo can be seen on girls who are willing to give off their sexual allure and feeling of mystery. This would also mean that if you have your tattoo in your lower back the effort of buying you a drink will already work. It has been called as tramp stamp because of its location and because of the attention it could get once the girl sits and when her shirt lifts up. The tattoo in the lower back generally attracts more attention compared to the girl’s bare skin.

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  • The 15 Top Tattooed Cities in the US | Amazing Tattoos


    From the tattoo convention circuit to social media we hear people bragging about their cities being the most tattooed. While there are amazing shops from all corners of the United States, here are the top 15 with the most tattooers. Do you think your city is dripping in ink? Click through to find out.

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  • Top 9 Tips for Picking the Right Tattoo Design | Amazing Tattoos

    #8 Design that represents something


    In picking the right tattoo design, try having some sort of inspiration. If you are inspired with someone or something, consider it as a factor that will help you to decide whether what kind of design you want. The right tattoo design will also be a help if you want it to be something that represents who and what you are as a person. Many things can be considered while choosing the best tattoo design that will suit you but it is more interesting and worth it once it depicts something or someone. With this factor, you will glance at your tattoo and will make you remind something.

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  • Top 9 Tips for Picking the Right Tattoo Design | Amazing Tattoos

    #9 Design that suits your taste


    Having tattoo in your body is not a simple thing that can happen so easily and can also be erased anytime you want it so fast and so easy. There are certain steps need to be followed before attaining the best tattoo that you want in your body. In choosing the best tattoo design it is very important to make sure first that the design you have chosen really suits what you like and you will not regret any of your decisions. There are many tattoo designs that might meet your taste and if in this case try to choose the best among the best.

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  • 10 Tattoos You Should Never Get | Amazing Tattoos

    #4 Tattoos that you don’t spell check

    When it comes to ink, autocorrect doesn’t work.  Make sure if you are getting any kind of lettering tattooed that you triple check the spelling and grammar.

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #11 Remember artists specialize in particular styles

    Don’t go in wanting a realistic black and grey portrait of your grandmother and ask a color New School artist to do it, or vice vera. Don’t be offended when they tell you there are other artists who would do a better job. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to do your tattoo, that just means there’s an artist out there that can render your idea more closely to the style you are looking for. (Tattoos by Paul Acker and Kelly Doty, respectively)

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  • 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Getting Tattooed | Amazing Tattoos

    Let’s face it; getting a tattoo is a huge commitment, especially if you are thinking about breaking skin for the very first time. But, the experience doesn’t need to be overwhelming, especially if you prepare yourself for what you should expect by educating yourself. Remember, when you’re thinking about getting your first tattoo or are about to set up your first tattoo session, it is absolutely important that you feel comfortable asking your artist a few questions before you let them start working.

    Just keep in mind that even when you’re asking some of these sensitive questions, you should remain polite and professional with your artist. This will make each question better received. Any professional tattoo artist will have no problem with answering your questions.

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #6 Have good hygiene

    Your tattoo artist is going to be up close and personal with you while you get tattooed.  Make sure to shower, shave and brush your teeth before your appointment. You don’t want to be known as Sir Stinks-A-Lot every time you get inked. (Tattoo by Timothy Boor)

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #1 Tip your artist

    Tipping is not expected, but it is appreciated. It shows that you love the tattoo and appreciate all of the hard work the artist put in to make it.  Tips should probably be somewhere between 10-20% if they are monetary, but sometimes cool gifts that you know your artist would be into are just as acceptable! (Tattoo by Carl Grace)

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  • 12 Tips to Tattoo Shop Etiquette | Amazing Tattoos

    You never want to be “that guy” in the tattoo shop who is haggling for a lower price, criticizing the tattooist’s design, and basically telling everyone in the shop how to do their jobs.  It’s rude to the artists, managers, piercers and other clients. This kind of behavior can cause a huge distraction and kills the vibe of the shop.  When you get a tattoo, you don’t want to be a dick about it, you want to be the best possible client.  Everyone gets the tattoo they deserve, so here are our twelve tips to tattoo shop etiquette.

    #5 Be sober

    Always get a tattoo sober.  This should be a no brainer, but make sure you go into the studio without any alcohol or drugs in your system.  Not only will this ensure that you pick the idea you actually want, but it will make saturating the tattoo easier for the artist.  This means try not to drink the night prior to getting a tattoo as well.  Alcohol thins your blood and will cause you to bleed a lot more.  (Tattoo by Daniel Farren)

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